Friday, May 31, 2019
In this essay, I intend to discuss the ways in which the poems Dulce :: English Literature
In this essay, I intend to discuss the federal agencys in which the poems DulceEt Decorum Est and Charge Of The Light Brigade act war. I testament discuss the themes of death, emotions, conditions and opinion.In Dulce Et, death is shown as horrific and that of terriblesuffering.His hanging face like a devils honk of sin.This simile describes the way in which the poet Wilfred Owen saw the men suffering. He uses an effective method of a metaphor, Devilssick of sin, and this metaphor shows just how august death is. Whena devil is sick of sin, it is no longer a devil, this means that theman described is no longer a human.However, in the Charge, death is shown as quick and clean.This is shown in the reiterate While horse and hero fell. Death is notdescribed in the detail of Dulce Et, because the poet wants to showwar as glorious and honourable, this could not be achieved if the poettalked active the horrible way in which the men die. The poet uses theword heroes because it shows the men as honourable and glorious, whichis the intended message of the poem.In Dulce Et, death has no glory and the men have no sense of dignity.The old lie Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.This quote shows that the statement that dying for ones own countryis a complete lie. Wilfred Owen does this to emphasise how horribleand undignified death really is. Owen wants to show that death has noglory and is undignified. The poet also uses Latin, because the readerwill recognise the language used is old fashioned, this will then makethe reader feel as though war is now old fashioned and pointless. Heuses the contrast of two languages to show the fight of views inthe two different time periods.In comparison, in the Charge, death is shown as honourable andglorious.When can their glory fade?This poem presents death as quick and without suffering, the poet saysthat the men who died for their country are glorious and should alwaysbe remembered. However, when both poems have been read, the r eadersees war as even more ineffectual because the men know that it is almostimpossible to achieve victory against so many enemies, so they are ineffect going in to the fighting to die for no reason. However, theCharges poet shows the men as honourable because they did notquestion the orders.Both poems show that death is not important. In Dulce Et, death is a
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Roddy Doyle :: essays research papers
Roddy Doyle is an amazing writer and is seen by his friends as a studious-looking and down-to-earth kind of guy. He is hotshot of the new breed of young Irish artists who came of age in the 1960s and 1970s.Roddy Doyle was born in May of 1958 in the northern Dublin suburb of Kilbarrack, Ireland. From Roddy Doyles point of view, he seemed to have had a happy childhood, especially when he told an interviewer, There are memories of my own childhood, running through a field and visual perception pheasants fly up, balls of dust under the kitchen table, and my parents happily married. He also said talking about his childhood that The place was mine, and the time was mine. He was raised in a middle-class family, quite different from the gritty, working-class characters in his records. He attended St. Fintans Christian Brothers School in Sutton and graduated with a bach of Arts. He continued his education at University College, Dublin, where he achieved a Bachelors degree in English and geography. He undertook teacher training at Greendale Community School, in Kilbarrack, and after getting certified, he became a member of that schools faculty. He taught fourteen years at Greendale, where he was known to his students as hooligan Doyle because of the earring and the Doc Martens boots he wore. Doyle is currently married to Belinda Doyle and has two sons, Rory and Jack Doyle. Since 1993, Doyle has been dedicated to writing full time. Doyles first novel came in the 1980s. The novel was titled Your Grannys a Hunger Striker Doyle said it was brilliant, but after that it went completely downhill. Later in the 80s, approximately 1986, he make the first successful novel of his writing career. The name of it was The Commitments, which, with the help of a friend, he published himself under the King Farouk imprint, and sold himself. One copy of his book landed at William Heinemann, a London-based publishing house. Heinemann enjoyed the book so much he decided to publish it hi mself in 1987. Two years later, Random hall published the book in the United States. This was Doyles big start. After his success he wrote two more novels, The Snapper, and The Van. The Van was such a rise written novel that it was a finalist for the 1991 Booker Prize Award. Finally in 1993, success struck again.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Sparta :: essays research papers
Its hard for textbooks to say anything nice about the Spartans. one whitethorn find that the Spartans described as "an armed camp," "brutal," "cultur bothy stagnant," "economically stagnant," "politically stagnant," and other fun things. The reality, of course, lies somewhere behind the value judgements. In 725, the oligarchy of Sparta needed domain of a function to feed a dramatically growing population, so the Spartans went over the Taygetus mountains and took over Messenia, where a fertile plain was enough to support themselves and their newly conquered people. However, like all conquered people, the Messenians fought back in 640 BCE and almost destroyed Sparta itself. Almost defeated, the Spartans invented a new political system as dramatically revolutionary by turning their submit into a military state. The Messenians were turned into agricultural slaves called helots, "serfs", where they worked small plots of land on estates ow ned by Spartans. Theres no question that the living of the helots was a miserable life. crowd was long and hard and the helots always lived right on the border of subsistence. But Spartan society itself changed, evolving into a city-state. The state determined whether children, both male and female, were impregnable when they were born, leaving the weak in the hills to perish. At the age of seven, every male Spartan was sent to military and athletic school teaching discipline, endurance of pain, and survival skills. At twenty, the Spartan became a soldier spending his life with his fellow soldiers to live in barracks with his fellow soldiers. Only at the age of thirty, did the Spartan nonplus an "equal," and was allowed to live in his own house with his own family, although he continued to serve in the military. Military service ended at the age of sixty. The life of a Spartan male was a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity as the Spartans viewed themselves as the true inheritors of the Greek tradition. This key to under stand the Spartans. The ideology of Sparta was oriented rough the state as the individual lived (and died) for the state. Their lives were designed to serve the state from their beginning to the age of sixty. The combination of this ideology, the education of Spartan males, and the disciplined maintenance of a standing army gave the Spartans the stability that had been threatened so dramatically in the Messenean revolt. Paradoxically, this soldier-centered state was the most liberal state in regards to the status of women.
Wilkie Collins The Moonstone Essay -- Wilkie Collins Moonstone Essays
Wilkie Collins The MoonstoneNear the beginning of Wilkie Collinss novel, The Moonstone, John Herncastles cousin explains, The deity commanded that the Moonstone should be watched, from that time forth, by three priests in turn, night and day, to the end of the generations of men One age followed anotherand still, generation later on generation, the successors of the three Brahmins watched their priceless Moonstone, night and day (2). As a pass on of remembering the former(prenominal), and specifically their deitys command, the Indian priests atomic number 18 bound by a circular, repetitive chain of events. In contrast, Rosanna Spearman and Franklin Blake, two non-Indian characters in the novel, argon able to use their memory of the past to break the cycle of repetitive, unwanted events in their lives and effect desired changes. Each Indian priests self-concept never changes he is simply an embodiment of his office or his societal role, and he lives solely to watch the Moonston e. The self-concepts of Rosanna and Franklin, however, do change over time. Through battling haunting personal effects of the past and conflict against negative self-concepts, Rosanna and Franklin additionally align themselves with a progressive notion of history as they battle against the cyclical notion that binds the Indian priests. The past has the power to corrupt or infect the lives of characters like Rosanna and Franklin, but when these characters confront and remember the past, they are freed from its ability to perpetuate a cyclical series of jinxed events. For example, Rosannas past as a thief causes Franklin to suspect her of having stolen the Moonstone as well. He says, Rosanna Spearman came to my aunt out of a reformatory? Rosanna Spearman had once b... ..., generation after generation, the successors of the three Brahmins watched their priceless Moonstone, night and day (2). Even the end of the novel isnt really an end to the repetition of events in Indi a Mr. Murthwaite writes, So the years pass, and duplicate each other so the same events revolve in the cycles of time. What will be the next adventures of the Moonstone? Who can tell? (466). In contrast, Rosanna Spearman and Franklin Blake, two non-Indian characters in the novel, are able to use their memory of the past to break the cycle of repetitive, unwanted events in their lives and effect desired changes. Through battling haunting effects of the past and fighting against negative self-concepts, Rosanna and Franklin additionally align themselves with a progressive notion of history as they battle against the cyclical notion that binds the Indian priests.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Daval Snuff Project :: essays research papers
Two summers ago I started working at this gun shop. Its not a great job but its money I didnt have before. While working there, I met a guy by the name of Daval Snuff. Hes real smart(even though he dropped out of highschool) funny, nice, and knows a lot some guns. Two of Davals best friends,BoodaSac and Feebus, told that he had a little crush on me.The problem was, I already had a boyfriend.When I told Daval about Bobbio, my boyfriend, he threatenedto kill him.He said he would literally kill him over me. It may sound weird but, I was flattered.I didnt know if he was dangerousabout it or not, so I took a vacation.While on vacation I went to church and had a good prayer with Pastor Mickey. He simply told me not to believe him. On the fourth comingday of her vacation the guys at work told me that Bobbio had stopped by thestore. They also mentioned that he met Daval...When I called Bobbio no one answered, I got suspious. Little did I know that Daval had invited him to go hunting. Wha t Bobbio didnt know was that Daval was hunting for HIM...Little did Daval know, Bobbio was a trained asassign for the MM(MexicanMafia). Bobbio knew something was up when Daval shot him with a tranquilizer dart,but Bobbio being the trained assasign that he is took the dart out and sucked the poisonout and spit it in Davals eye.The deadly poison from the dart severly wounded Davals eyes leaving him blind andalone.With Bobbio gone, Daval was left to fend for himself.
The Daval Snuff Project :: essays research papers
Two summers ago I started working at this gun shop. Its non a great job but its money I didnt have before. While working there, I met a guy by the name of Daval Snuff. Hes sincere smart(even though he dropped out of highschool) funny, nice, and knows a lot about guns. Two of Davals best friends,BoodaSac and Feebus, told that he had a little crush on me.The problem was, I already had a boyfriend.When I told Daval about Bobbio, my boyfriend, he threatenedto kill him.He said he would literally kill him over me. It may sound uncanny but, I was flattered.I didnt know if he was seriousabout it or not, so I took a vacation.While on vacation I went to church and had a good prayer with Pastor Mickey. He simply told me not to believe him. On the fourth comingday of her vacation the guys at work told me that Bobbio had stop by thestore. They also mentioned that he met Daval...When I called Bobbio no one answered, I got suspious. Little did I know that Daval had invited him to go hunting. Wh at Bobbio didnt know was that Daval was hunting for HIM...Little did Daval know, Bobbio was a trained asassign for the MM(MexicanMafia). Bobbio knew something was up when Daval shot him with a tranquilizer dart,but Bobbio being the trained assasign that he is took the dart out and sucked the poisonout and spit it in Davals eye.The deadly poison from the dart severly wounded Davals eyes leaving him blind andalone.With Bobbio gone, Daval was left to fend for himself.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A Teenager Today Essay
Advantages you might have with being a teenager is that you stick to your freedom. When you make for sixteen you get your drivers license which could always mean one thing, MORE FREEDOM What I like about being a teen is the concomitant that you start high school and you may be the top dog according to elementary school and middle school kids. When becoming a starter motor an already being in high school is that there be many clubs, groups, and sports that the regular and physically fit, student body can be aside of. When in high school you could do dance, cheerleading, baseball, ect., clubs, and maybe even so JROTC which involves being physically fit to par concern in this course. Also the four academic courses that you get a another chance at becoming a better student in knowledge as well as the fine arts credits that you can choose from in the registration form for high school that you get when becoming a freshman. The disadvantages of becoming a teen is the pubescence sta ge of life.Hitting puberty means your body is changing to make you a better looking and acting teen. the other disadvantages that teens may come in contact with is the wrong group that may lead you into doing things that arent right. With being in the wrong group can lead to unwanted casualties that are easier to take on when you are a full adult. Being a teen sometimes leads to peer pressure when you are in a bad stead that can be avoided. Some disadvantages to becoming a teen may be driving without the right precautions in mind. Advice to other teens about becoming a teen are that you find the right group or clique to be with for your teenage years.You command to be careful with what you do because if you have parents that are over protective or just really care about your safety, make sure you dont do anything that might get you into trouble. You need to make sure that if you are being pressured with anything just walk away or tell an adult about what is going on.Dont go to par ties and drink so much that you end up drinking and driving. If you are driving under the influence make sure that you call your parents to come get you even though you might be scared of the outcome. You also need to keep in mind that you may be pressured into trying things that are illegal, so make sure that you also say no to drugs. Things you should say no to drugs, drinking, drinking and driving, sex, pregnancy, and any other unwanted casualties that teens are not ready to handle, even though you think you might be able to , say no
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Justice to a Society Against Racism
Racism is a long time issue which has been existing for more than a century. Cases have been taken to the courts in order to bring justice to the society against racism. Separate moreover equal is a legislature that was being drift into the constitution in 1792. It disrupted the society due to how it(law) was interpreted by the concourse. Although the American law for equal rights has been written in the constitution since 1792, most people even the authoritative ones(i. e. judges) never put it in practice.The cry for equal justice for minority groups is so extensive especially in the south where the KKK(Ku Klux Klans) argon more in existence. Some of the legal issues about these outcries are the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson and the 1954 Brown vs. the Board The Plessy vs. Ferguson case was a very crucial argument which argued the separate but equal issue in the State of Louisiana. Even though Plessy, a 30-year old shoemaker was mix of seven-eighths uninfected and one-eighths oppro brious he was still considered black and punished for entering the wrong car by being jailed.When taken the case to the State court, Plessy argued that the 14th Amendment has been violated which offers that No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States nor shall any State deprive . But the Louisiana Statute overturned his case stating that the state has its rights to regulate railway companies that operate only in its state and Plessy was found guilty. Plessy was a normal human being who was taken his rights away from him just for the arrange of his race.The Louisiana Statute overlooked Plessys petition regarding justice against requisition which deteriorates the friendly equality of the society. The Courts disadvantaged the liberty of the plaintiffs equal tax shelter of the laws regardless of the 14th Amendment in Constitution. Even when taken to the Supreme Court of the country, they still found Ples sy guilty and overturned the case. After 55 years of the case, Thurgoode marshall a black lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland took the case for a re-affirmation.Following the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the Plessys case in 1896, many Negroes from unalike states decided to fight for equal rights as they all deserved. The Brown vs. Board of development was one of the most significant cases brought before the courts which formerly can non legislate social equality. The case turned to be similar to the altercation about the 14th Amendment which so arguably had an impact on the society.The argument was about a colour fifth grader in Topeka, Kansas, Linda Brown who was denied an admission into a white elementary school. The people(black Americans) wanted desegregation and not segregation especially in public schools which did not value their freedoms as citizens of United States. When the case and some other similar cases from other states were taken to the high court in Kansa s in 1951 by Thurgood marshal and his colleagues, the courts indentured it.Until taken to the Supreme Court which the decisions did not come out that easy, the fourteenth amendment was brought into question. For almost two years the case was argued and re-affirmed. Though the Board of Education may have supplied equal physical facilities to both public schools (white and Negroes). It diminishes the equal treatment of the minority groups, an example of this is the textbooks issues which when compared 68 colored students had no books to 20 white students. And also the case that there was no coloured High School in the South.The cases were similar in respects that the minorities had to come out with the complaints of their oppressions. Their(minorities) liberties have been deprived from them under the protection of laws. Although the legal arguments share common cases about segregation, but Plessys case was one in which was indentured regardless of whom he poses to be. bit Browns comp laints were out to pursue equality in educational system and to reduce the inferiority complex going through the minds of innocent souls on how they are being treated.Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP crew argued that even though the law has abolished slavery for a guaranteed freedom, they(coloreds) were still segregated from the whites. The end of the segregated years marked the beginning of a new era for equality among all races. Thurgood Marshall and the members of the NAACP fought to their very strength to bring justice in both cases and to see that segregation is purely abolished. These legal arguments were some of the greater social decisions and most ideological significants in the American history that the Supreme Court has ever made.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Spanish Language and Latin America
1 International Baccalaureate History of the the Statess HL Required Summer Reading battlefield Guide natural in Blood and Fire A Concise History of Latin the States By John Charles Chasteen Foreign Affairs November/ declination 2000 states Born in Blood and Fire is a briskly written yet sophisticated introduction to Latin America that will be greatly welcomed by non-specialists and experts alike. Chasteen paints on a very broad canvas, but he succeeds in capturing with enviable conciseness the major ingredients of Latin Americas uniqueness and complexity.Especially welcome is his bewitching integration of brazil-nut tree into the overall picture, which general histories of Latin America often lack. He runner takes the reader from the atomic number 63an conquest through the colonial consolidation by Spain and Portugal before looking at the role of indigenous communities in the new order imposed by the Europeans and African slaverys social and cultural consequences. He then foll ows with the independence movements and the uneven attempts at nation-building in the nineteenth snow race, ethnicity, religious and liberal ideologies, and the roles of key individuals are also covered.Chasteen concludes with the recent return to economical liberalism, this time in the context of open elections, continuing poverty, and social exclusion of large segments of the population. A stellar performance Summer Reading Directions The answers to these questions should be intumesce thought out, typed, 12 point font, single spaced, New Times Roman. The completed review sheet is a summer long process that is not designed and should not be attempted at the last minute. This assignment will be due on the first full school day of the 2011 2012 academician school year.These questions will prepare you for the first 2 day examination made up of 96 multiple choice questions and 57 matching terms. This is the first grade of the course and will set the study tempo for the remainder o f the school year. 2 Study Guide/ Discussion Questions John Charles Chasteens Born in Blood and Fire A Concise History of Latin America. Chapter 1 First Stop, the Present 1. 2. 3. 4. According to Chasteen, what is the merge theme or unifying conflict that characterizes Latin American history? Is this a good choice? What might be some strengths or weaknesses of this focus?why do Cuba and Brazil have such high populations of African Americans? Define liberalism as Chasteen uses the term What are the different attitudes toward Latin Americans that have been roughhewn in the U. S. during the twentieth century? Chapter 2 Encounter (1492-1600) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What were some of the ways the historical and cultural context of the Iberian peninsula varietyd the attitudes and practices of Europeans who first sailed to the Americas? Compare the Portuguese colonization of Brazil with the Spanish Colonization of what would become Mexico and Peru.Important similarities and differences? Wha t larger significance does Chasteen see in the name potpourri from Island of the True Cross to Brazil? What three areas of Africa provided the mass of Black slaves for the Americas? Members of which European country became the or so active slave traders? From Chasteens perspective, what were the key factors that enabled vastly outnumbered Spanish forces to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires? In what specific ways do Las Casass spirit and values stand in contrast to those of the majority of Spaniards who came to the Americas?Briefly particularise or identify the chase terms Encomienda Tupi Pedro Alvarez Cabral Moors Francisco Pizarro Malinche (Marina) Salvador (Bahia) Chapter 3 Colonial Crucible (1600-1810) 1. 2. 3. 4. In what ways did economic realities contribute to the prosperity and influence of colonial Spanish America in comparison to colonial Brazil? Name the four viceroyalties and their capitals that came to be in Spanish America What does Chasteen mean on p. 77 when h e says that transculturation and hegemony often went together in Latin America?Do you think hes right? Name four areas that Chasteen considers peripheral areas or backwaters of colonial Latin America 3 5. Compare attitudes toward race in Latin America as described in this chapter with attitudes in the U. S. as you understand them. What significant similarities or differences do you see? Briefly define or identify the quest terms Sor Juana de la Cruz honor in Latin America Gracias al sacar Quilombos and Palenques Potosi Zumbi Rebellion of Gonzalo Pizarro Tupac Amaru II Engenho AleijadinhoChapter 4 Independence (1810-1825) 1. 2. 3. 4. In what ways did events in Europe affect the movements for independence in Latin America? According to Chasteen, which independence movements in Spanish America were actually popular gyrations? Which were primarily revolutions from above? How did the Brazilian independence movement compare with those in Spanish America? What impact did the independenc e movements have on patterns of colonialism in Spanish America?Briefly define or identify the following terms Creoles Jose Maria Morelos Llaneros Simon Bolivar Jose Antonio Paez Peninsulars Vicente Guerrero and Augustin de Iturbide Nativism Battle of Ayacucho Miguel Hidalgo Pedro I Chapter 5 Postcolonial Blues (1825-1850) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did liberalism in Latin America seem to render in the years following the wars of independence? What were some of the main characteristics of a caudillo? What factors helped Brazil maintain its territorial unity during the years when many regions of Spanish America were splintering into numerous new nations?In what ways does Chasteen suggest the social structure in Latin America remained the same after independence? How did it change? Who were the main outsiders involved in Latin America during this period? This outside involvement was particularly notable in the two former centers of colonial power, Mexico and Peru. What shape did it take in e ach place? Briefly define or identify the following terms Juan Manuel de Rosas El Supremo Caste War of Yucatan Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna The regency years el pueblo Rafael Carrera La Nina Central American Republic 4Chapter 6 Progress (1850-1880) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What were some of the significant aspects of liberalism emphasized by the key Latin American liberals menti unityd in this ingredient (be as specific as possible)? Why did Maximilian fail to reinstate conservative rule in Mexico? Based on Chasteens examples, what seems to have been the most common way for women to become public figures during the nineteenth century (the few, that is, who did become public figures)? Give two examples. Liberals in Argentina assured on the traditional tenets of Latin American liberalism. What issue divided them?Compare the way Argentine and Brazilian liberals confronted what they considered the national tragedy of racially mixed societies. Do leaders in one of these countries seem to be less racist in their thinking than leaders of the other? Briefly explain the issues and significance of the following wars (and note the dates when each took place) The tercet Alliance War The War of the Pacific The Chaco War Briefly define or identify the following terms Benito Juarez Birds Without a Nest (1889) Golden police William Walker Ten Years War Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 6.Chapter 7 Neocolonialism (1880-1930) 1. Describe the great export boom that marked Progress for Latin America between 1870-1930. What were its most authorized characteristics? Which crops or exports seemed most beneficial to Latin Americans and why? Which one seemed most harmful? Compare the governments of Mexico and Brazil during the neocolonial period Based on this chapter how do the ideas of neocolonialism and importing Progress relate to one another? Early in the chapter, Chasteen suggests that the concept of neocolonialism is both an internal and an external phenomenon.What does he mean, and, after reading the chapter, would you agree with that analysis? Describe the rise of U. S. influence in Latin America Why did the South Cone region of Latin America attract the majority of the new immigrants? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Briefly define or identify the following terms banana republics Ruben Dario Porfiriato Cientificos Rebellion in the Backlands Paulina Luisi Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Cesar Augusto Sandino Positivism Pan o palo Jose Marti Jose Enrique Rodo 5 Chapter 8 Nationalism (1910-1945) 1. 2. 3. . 5. Based on the chapter, what were the most important aspects of nationalism in Latin America? Why did nationalism emerge in the azoic decades of the twentieth century? Compare and contrast nationalism in Mexico with that in Argentina and Uruguay and also with Brazil. Did nationalism in any one of these countries seem to a greater extent thoroughgoing than in the others? Why? Why did import-substitution industrialization (ISI) provide greater benefits for countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina than for places like the Dominican Republic or Honduras?Why did the wave of nationalism seem to have very little impact on Central America? Briefly define or identify the following terms Constitution of 1917 Pancho Villa Constitutionalists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Batllismo Hipolito Yrigoyen Victor Raul Haya de la Torre Indigenismo ISI Getulio Vargas Estado Novo Heitor Villa Lobos Lazaro Cardenas pricey Neighbor Policy Mexicos declaration of economic independence Populists Juan and Evita Peron Emiliano Zapata Chapter 9 Revolution (1945-1960) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why would capital of Brazil represent the perfect symbol of the ost-Vargas moment in Brazil and the PRI the perfect symbol for Mexico at the same time (252)? Chapter 8 talked about the popularity of Roosevelts Good Neighbor Policy. Why did relations between the U. S. and major Latin American countries begin to sour in the post-WWII years? Why did the U. S. tolerate the National subverter Mov ement (MNR) in Bolivia while it actively supported a proxy force to oust Arbenz in Guatemala? Based on this textbook, would you say the Cuban revolution was more an expression of Marxism or of nationalism? Why? What were the goals of liberation theology?Briefly define or identify the following terms Raul Prebish Jacobo Arbenz Che Guevara Bay of Pigs (1961) announcement of Caracas (1954) Pablo Naruda Fulgencio Batista Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Juan Jose Arevalo Jorge Luis Borges Granma Paulo Freire 6 Chapter 10 Reaction (1960-1990) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. On what basis does Chasteen argue that the Soviet Union was not involved in Latin American Marxist movements outside of Cuba during the 1960s and 1970s? Why did rule by military juntas become widespread in Latin America by the mid-1970s?What did the Brazilian generals mean when they said that the cake had to rise before it could be sliced? Why didnt the poor ever get their slice? How did the Argentine experience of military rule differ from that of Brazil? What were the most important factors that contributed to the overthrow of the Popular Unity government in Chile? In which countries of Latin America were dirty wars most intense and devastating? What were the main factors that fueled guerilla wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador? Why does Chasteen place Colombia in the countercurrents section at the end of the chapter?What was different about Colombia? Briefly define or identify the following terms national security doctrine Alliance for Progress Gabriel Garcia Marquez Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo Tupamaros Salvador Allende Augusto Pinochet Tlatelolco massacre dirty war Somoza family Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) Contras Daniel Ortega Violeta Chamorro fourteen families Oscar Romero Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) La Violencia Pablo Escobar and the Medillin Cartel M-19 U. S. shallow of the Americas Chapter 11 Neoliberalism (1990- ? ) 1. 2. 3. 4.Why did neoliberalism become the popular political/economic ideology for Latin America during the 1990s? Compare neoliberalism with the liberalism with the liberal reforms that swept the region from 1870-1930in what important ways are they similar? How do they differ? What insights does the Chilean success story provide into the strengths and weaknesses of neoliberalism? What are the primary environmental issues surrounding the Amazonian rain tone? Briefly define or identify the following terms Neoliberalism MERCOSUR Zapatistas NAFTA Maquiladora Candomble, Umbanda, Santeria
Friday, May 24, 2019
Creative Writing Workshop for Public High Schools
inventiveness is a natural gift that one possesses even from his or her birth and which requires constant use or exercise and continued ripening for it to remain spirited and change for the better. Organizing and implementing an effective workshop on creative composition pull up stakes be in effect(p) to a particular group of heap targeted to be well-informed on how to write short and long stories as well as narratives. This Creative piece of music Workshop was ad hocally designed and programmed for frequent richly aim students across the country because of the small involvement and appreciation of creative theme.This activity also aims to make writing and reading a beneficial act, if not a force habit, for the said students and eventually make creating writing and reading a requirement in customary high schools curriculum. This Creative Writing Workshop and Activities in United Kingdom is for public high school students with various interests such as intellectual institu tions, commercial enterprise, the arts, natural and social sciences and separate services which go away suit ones tasting.Whether the high school student is just beginning or already a seasoned author and just deal to extend his or her creative writing in new perspective, this practical workshop is programmed to offer a sense and appreciation of disparate genres. We are in charge of a broad scope of creative writing and literature. Our yearly programme and production of publications that includes a website, a range of modern creative writing references, and internet sites showcase creative writing versions, details on modern creative writers and an online reading associations.Our latest preference and the focus of areas of activities are the promotion and organic evolution of creative writing for young people such as high school students in public high schools. This is because these soon-to-be creative writing students, when properly educate and guided, will definitely repre sent an advance level in the evolution of their group. This new breed of creative writers may replace coffee and computer houses with league venues and will expect regular and above average paychecks in the future.Furthermore, this workshop intends that participants from public secondary institutions will eventually turn to be more plus in their writing development compared with their counterparts in the private high schools. Patterned from the Brighton, Englands THE SOUTH, a writers network and literary arts agency whose service includes creative writing, this Creative Writing Workshop was proposed for the use of public high school students. This particular program will be spearheaded by professional creative and literary writer who are seasoned in dealing with young people.Types of Workshop The literary genre of Poetry, creative writing and reading or skill workshops and activities that will serve a public high school student is the composition of this type of workshop. The wor kshop will concentrate on particular writers, or specific literary genres, or about genres, or on various topics or demands which include the natural science, the aspect of safe reproduction practice, family aspect, teachers (or the manner of teaching), substance abuse, neighborhood shame and racialism.In particular, the workshop will deal with specific or single workshops or a scope of actions as part of the Creative Writing calendar week as well as a combination of a media and transverse art form workshops to arouse ones creativeness utilizing ones literary or expressed statements celebration. Ones writing techniques and skill will be developed and improved by employing a curriculum which will focus on creative reading and writing workshops and where each public high school students needs end be addressed.Additionally, the workshop will touch on creative writing classes for stave members, study-support personnel and specific public school rooms associates. Meanwhile, the plan study includes the Writers-in-Residence Project which will give the participants effective creative writing skills and techniques, the pleasure of discovering oneself, and a memorable and fruitful bring forth with the writing actions. The said project is a five-month program immersing public high school students in the reasoning, imagining, and creation of thoughts that composes a unchewable creative writing work.The project is open to concerned and interested secondary students who admit presented a unique ability and skill and interested in advancing them to create a full-length and published works. This Writer-in-Residence programme eases the work of a creative writer both in practical and monetary aspects. The position can be practiced from 6 months up to a year. During this time the writer is inspired to create another creative writing that may be presented when the hall ends.The residency in a way helps or returns something to the society where he or she stayed such as workshop activities, writers associations, and conception of creative work tonic by the community. The residency invites all creative writers, published or not, touch onless of race, religion, nationality, age, professional experience, sexual preference, are of residence, or economic status. All residents are elect primarily on the aspect of the anonymous details and writing samples provided in their applications.For more information on the selection process, please see ____. Workshop enrolment (day and venue) The group is glad to work in a manner that best fits ones preference and according to the day, time, and venue that work for the high school participant. The various activities at heart the workshop can be done in ones school venue, secondary institution or centre. It can also be conducted at a different place such as a depository area, art gallery, historic dwelling, or place for travelers. The workshops theme can be developed according to the preference of the venue.This can be scheduled during the period when high school students are on their term paper or project processing, during holidays, and in time of expression or off school and office hours. The workshop can also gather functions for little group (maximum of 10 high school students) in a designated Workshop Room at any public high school. Participants including the faculty members can engage in our regular programme of open workshops and may get hitched with our socialization plan. Rationale of the workshop Generally, people are conscious of the fact that communication, particularly that is intended for print, is personally geted by a specific person.However, others regard books and print materials as unrealistic to ignite ones creativity or they fail to capture ones vision. This is because they find that they do not have the time to attest to their own precept of creative writing. Purpose of the workshop Through this workshop, we aim that any public high school student, regardless of hi s or her age and heritage, could have the luck to be endowed and enriched by creative writing. For them to be able to show their real personalities, either verbally or in print, and deal with their ideas and emotion.We intend that the participants will have the expertise to claim language and own their own works and to build and search their respective attributes. We make a harmless area where high school students expressions get a boost for them to enjoy the written and verbal creative writings and for the said participants to get out of their comfort zones and emerge as expert creative writers. Effect of the workshop Dealing and being into a work place with professional and seasoned creative writers will definitely have a compelling effect on the participants, both the high school students and their teachers.Getting away from the traditional method of learning, the participants will have the chance to experience and search for examples of good and effective creative writing. The w orkshop will open an opportunity and lead the participants to the force of creative writing as well as reading and make himself or herself as someone with authority who can excite others about the beauty of creative writing without antagonizing the audience. Aside from the high school students, their teachers can also benefit as they will emerge renewed with fresh thoughts on the process of creative writing.Procedure For this workshop, we propose a procedure that will assure that students will get maximum benefits from the activities in terms of creative arousal, self-manifestation, mentoring, learning details, self-esteem and publication productions. We will invite practitioners in the subject field of creative writing as the resource speakers or facilitators of the workshop. The speakers will conduct theoretical discussions to be followed by open forum where the participants and the speakers can discuss the merits of the activities.The participants will also be given time to appl y the workshops principles and theories. Requirement and impart The workshop will necessitate careful study of particular requirement and result and will request participants to accomplish a survey/report paper. Then, we will eventually give an acceptable and flexible workshop proposal with appropriate recommendations. Since comprehend a creative work put into print means accomplishment and boost to ones ability, the workshop proposes the provision of all required assistance for actual executing in the activities and eventual publication of the works.These may include the plan and publication of participants collection of creative writing papers and their video presentation. Similar successful workshops thriving workshops with similar programs involving creative writing, literary/poetry recital, video productions of dance and street arts workshops as well as in museums and galleries at different public high schools and communities are found in Hove, Sussex and the south of Engla nd and those creative writing and drawing workshops at Brighton.Price of the workshop The workshop charges a minimum of ?500. However, for the specific requirement of a particular group of high school students, we will request them to contact us for a detailed costing so that the financial proposal will fit into your project. For inquiries, you can reach us at (proposed name, contact numbers and online information about the organization facilitating the creative writing workshop).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Decision Making Paper Essay
This account examines the correlation among somebodyal, organizational and cultural values. The paper also discusses how these values affect the end reservation in individuals private and overlord lives. Value is a social principal end or standard held by an individual, class or society. Values atomic number 18 shaped by surrounding situations. Normally the three values are accredited in society such as face-to-face Value, Organizational Value and Cultural Value. Personal Values are the principals that define human as an individual.Personal values, such as honesty, reliability and trust determine how one will face the world and relate with people. It also consists of caring, courage, creativity, friendliness, honesty, honour, independence, integrity and spirituality. Organizational values are the principals that guide humans behavior in professional contexts. They define how person work and how he or she relate to co-workers, managers and clients. They also reveal persons potential of advancement. It also consists of autonomy, competitiveness, conscientiousness, dedication, ethical motive, loyalty, professionalism, punctuality and team player.Cultural values, like practice of the faith and customs, are principals that sustain connections with persons cultural roots. They cooperate person feel connected to a larger community of people with similar backgrounds. It also consists of celebration of diversity, ethnic roots, faith, linguistic ties, national ties, regional ties and tradition. Personal, professional and cultural values are connected to each other. These values are something that affects every area of persons personal and professional lives. In our cursory routine we interact with these values very often especially personal values.Personal values are something which we are learning from our childhood. Our parents are the pioneers of these values. They teach us what is correct and what is wrong. As we grow, we take our own decisions but our p arents have a great influence in our thought process. I believe this is how we learn how to see our own personal value when we grow as an adult. Next one is professional values. We begin to learn this value as soon as we fancy into the world of independence. Each organization has its own set of rules and regulations.We need to follow those while taking care of our own personal values. At workplace the briny important thing is how we interact with co-workers, managers and clients. How you present yourself with others is also very important. Cultural values are something again goes with the personal values. They split importance to the tradition, cultural ethics and your opinion of relating those to the workplace and personal look. In society sometimes people with same backgrounds come together and form a group and share their cultural values.At workplace also sometimes we notice people with same cultural values come together and have better understanding in the midst of them. Fi nding sleep between personal, organization and cultural values is very crucial. Many times in our life we need to fight to take the decision based on these three values. For example for me as a woman find the right balance between my personal life with family and professional life is very difficult. Family (kids) comes first while taking any decision for myself even when to decide the right career path and when to start it.For working mother balance between these values plays an important role while taking any decisions. Many times I noticed that one needs to give up on something in order to achieve on whatever he or she wants. Same principal applies to the values. Sometimes professional values overcome personal values but if we can manage both of them and achieve the result we want then that will be a big success. Resolving a conflict by analyzing the situation needs practice but one will achieve this by paying attention and keeping balance between the values.Decision making is a very important process. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. (Harris Robert, 1997). I believe if we give respect to all the three values equally and give importance to all of them while making a decision then our decision making process will be much easier than we expected and we can keep the right balance in the personal and professional life. We will be subject to take correct decisions in life if we start appreciating these values more significantly.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Islamic Law Essay
playscript and hadith are the fundamental sources of Moslem Shariah. When the solution to the arising problems is non available in these sources, Ijtihad is employ to touch an appropriate solution in Islamic jurisprudence. Secondary sources of Islamic Shariah like Ijma, Qiyas, Istihsan and Maslahah are also forms of Ijtihad. These indirect sources provide a sequence and a data base to the Mujtahid to reach to a solution of a problem in the most appropriate way and at the same time assist in formulation of Islamic law and development of system of Shariah as a whole.Introduction Quran and Sunnah (in the form of Hadith) are the two fundamental sources of Shariah. Generally the explanation and acceptability of all other sources of Shariah varies in various sects of Islam. According to Sunni school of thought, the fundamental sources of Islam include Quran, Sunnah and Ijtihad, whereas according to Shiite school of thought, Quran and Sunnah are the only authentic sources of Shariah and Ijtihad stern only be a contributing factor and that too only in some circumstances.Ijtihad can be defined as use of ones own utmost abilities in deriving secondary opinions from the four fundamental sources of Islamic law, videlicet Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas. Can the Secondary Sources be Characterized as Forms of Ijtihad In the eyes of majority of Muslim scholars, especially Sunni Muslims, all the secondary sources including Ijma, Qiyas, Istihsan and Maslahah are forms of Ijtihad. Rather all these secondary sources in one form or the other contribute towards Ijtihad. For typesetters case, in case of an event for which no authentic proof is available in Quran and Sunnah, the only option available is Ijtaihad.This Ijtaihad will either be supported by consensus of different learned scholars of Islam, or it will be done by comparing and drawing similarities or differences in the different events of past which occurred during the times of Prophet or His companions. In case n o previous event is available, and consensus does not occur among the scholars on the issue, then the only way out is to either look for the good by ones own deliberations (Istihsan) or to get what is in the interests of human welfare (Istislah or Maslahah).Therefore, it will not be wrong to say that all the four secondary sources can be characterized as forms of Ijtihad and all contribute towards it. Importance of Having so Many Different Sources to Represent Ijtihad Ijtihad is a very complex phenomenon and that is why, very strict criteria have been set in Islam for a person to be a Mujtahid. Therefore, while making a judgment a Mujtahid needs to evaluate the available data before he proceeds to make a judgment. Now the most authentic and fundamental sources i. e.Quran and Sunnah have already been ruled out for the reason that if a solution was present is those sources, there was no need for Ijtihad. In the absence of those two sources, a Mujtahid needs some additional sources in order to cook up the judgment, though Quran and Sunnah must be kept at the back of the disposition. These additional sources like Ijma, Qiyas, Istihsan and Maslahah provide the Mujtahid with a data base and a sequence to analyze the event and lead him logically to an acceptable solution which is not conflicting with the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.Therefore, it is extremely important to have multiple sources to read Ijtihad. Importance of Secondary Sources in Creating Law and Development of System of Shariah While studying the Islamic law, one must keep in mind that the times have changed a lot since the era of Prophet Muhammad and with the passage of time many situations came up which were not there in the times of Prophet. For example in the times of Prophet, there was not concept of photography and only thing that was available was Tasweer that is the hand painted pictures and the person who made those pictures was known as Mussawir.The Prophet prohibited the Tasweer in tha t time and He was quoted as saying that a person who will make a Tasweer will be asked on the Day of Judgment to bring life into that Tasweer. Today, we know that in the present era photography is a compulsion in passport and identity card game etc. Therefore, Islamic scholars reached a conclusion through Ijtihad that what was prohibited was Tasweer and not the photography.Photography, as per youthful science, is actually the image preserved on a composition and even the companions of the Prophet used to see the image in mirror or in the water, so according to scholars, it is not prohibited in Islam. also there are many other problems which needed solution in the present time due to modernization and advent of technology. If these secondary sources were not used in creation of Islamic law, the Islamic law will become stagnant and will not be able to meet the emergencys of changing scenario and modern developments of science and technology.Hence, the basis characteristics of these secondary sources i. e. consensus, measurement and comparison, equity and public policy are all extremely important in formulation of Islamic law. situation by side, it will also help in development of system of Shariah as a whole so as to meet the requirement of pragmatism, practicality and need of the changing times. Conclusion According to Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad has been sent as a Prophet for whole universe and this is not possible manger the time his teachings are applicable to all the times.This applicability for all the times is only possible if the teachings can be interpreted according to changing times. all in all this is only possible through these secondary sources, if used correctly in accordance with the basic teachings of Quran and Sunnah. Hence, these secondary sources are part and parcel of Islamic law and must be taken as such. References References have not been cited as per the requirement of the client. Original language has been used without quotations .
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Wuthering Heights – Describe and comment on the violent incidents in the novel
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is one of the great classics of British literature. The book is put in on the windswept moors of Yorkshire near a small village called Gimmerton. The basic plot is about how much disturbance and trouble a man named Heathcliff causes when the adult female he loves marries another(prenominal) man. It is narrated by Mr Lockwood, a gentleman renting a house named Thrushcross Grange, and Nelly Dean who as his servant tells the story of what happened at his residence and another house 4 miles away. This essay will focus on the violence that is so regular in the novel.The first occasions of violence that we are notified of in the novel are the regular thrashings dosed out by the young Hindley Earnshaw to Heathcliff, when they where children.Heathcliff was not the brother of Hindley but a orphan brought back from Liverpool by Hindleys father. Heathcliffs origins are not made clear in the novel but some in the novel brand him a Lascar, hinting at Asian asc endance. He is oftentimes better treated than Mr Earnshaws bear children Catherine and Hindley, this becomes clear when Mr Earnshaw buys each of the boys a horse and Heathcliff is given the first choice and picks the almost handsome leaving the other to Hindley. When his own handsome horse becomes lame Heathcliff orders Hindley to swap horses or he will tell Hindleys father of the three beatings he had received from Hindley earlier that week.Unsurprisingly Hindley swapped rather than crap Heathcliff show his father the bruises that Hindley had left him.When later on in the novel Mr Earnshaw dies his house is left to Hindley.The new master returned with a wife and Heathcliff was treated as a servant instead of the family member he was and was sent out to work in Hindleys newly acquired fields without pay. Hindley also inflicts education on Catherine, which she loathes, and so a strong friendship grows between Cathy and Heathcliff. When the two rebelled against the tyrant and the two started dodging duties and sneaking out at night, Cathy was confined to her quarters every night and Heathcliff was beaten by another servant named Joseph on Hindleys orders as punishment.The next violent incident took place one eve when Cathy and Heathcliff sneaked out one evening to Thrushcross Grange to spy on the two Linton children Edgar and Isabella. They were spotted looking through one of the windows and a servants bulldog was let loose. The dog seized Cathy and she was held in its jaws until the Lintons came running with a servant. Heathcliff was take in away from Thrushcross Grange after they took him for a gipsy. Whereas Cathy was taken into the house and looked after for five weeks until the day before Christmas Eve. When Heathcliff returned home that evening alone Hindley was waiting up for him and he was told if his behaviour continued like it was and he kept leading Cathy astray he would be chucked out of the house for good. Hindley past ordered his servant, Joseph, to give Heathcliff the beating of his life.Things changed a great deal when Cathy came home a spoiled but beautiful young lady. On Christmas Eve the Linton family were invited up to Wuthering Heights for a company and Edgar Linton insulted Heathcliff who then threw hot applesauce all over Edgar in retaliation. This incident started a feud that lasted a lifetime.Shortly after Christmas, Edgar started to visit Cathy regularly at Wuthering Heights and it at this point became clear that the two would marry. On one such visit Cathy pinches her servant Nelly because she would not leave herself and Edgar alone in the means together. When Nelly screamed aloud Cathy denied touching her so Nelly showed the mark to Edgar, Cathy then slapped her servant on the cheek. When Cathys much younger nephew Hareton cried out for his aunt to stop he was shaken until Edgar Linton intervened, just for him too to be slapped When the whole raucous finally calmed down, Cathy and Edgar pronounced the mselves lovers to the world.Before all this, Hindleys young wife had died during the birth of Hareton and since then Hindley had been a constant drunkard. He became a danger to those around him and the servants had taken to hiding his small child from him incase he should cause him harm. On one evening Hindley came home drunk and caught Nelly in the act of hiding Hareton in a kitchen cupboard. He flew into a rage and held a fish knife to Nellys throat and told her he would make her have it. But instead he turned his attention to his child and went to hold him, but when Hareton cried Hindley grew angry and carried the youngster upstairs and held him over the railing. Hindley dropped the child by adventure but Heathcliff walked out at just the right time and caught Hareton before he hit the floor.The other violence in the novel occurs in the establish of two fights when Heathcliff is a grown man and returns to Wuthering Heights a rich man after three years away. Heathcliff ran awa y after hearing Cathy, who he loved, was to marry his foe Edgar Linton.When on his return he goes to see Cathy in Thrushcross Grange and will not leave when Edgar tells him to, Edgar jumps from his chair and strikes him on the throat then quote his servants to force him out.The other occurs one eve in Wuthering Heights where Heathcliff is lodging with Hindley. One evening Hindley aspires to kill Heathcliff with the aid of Isabella Edgars sister and Heathcliffs unhappy bride. When she refused to be a part of it Hindley decided to carry out his plan alone, so when Heathcliff came home that night Isabella would not let her husband in for fear of him getting killed. When Hindley attempt to strike Heathcliff from a window in his attempt at murder he missed and Heathcliff smashed the glass pane and knocked Hindley to the ground he then stamped on him severely before ordering the servants and his wife to attend to the beaten man.The violent incidents described in Wuthering Heights are al l inter entwined with most in some shape or form involving the very vicious and vengeful Heathcliff.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Analysis of the NSPCC Advert
advertising is a manipulative expend of media in order to bring the audiences forethought to a product or service. In the twain advertisements we see two different uses of the same media (posters). Types of advertisement come under two main categories Importance-giving important details much(prenominal) as opening dates and location. Persuasive-plays more on the manipulative side, this is pass on in the two posters.The NSPCC advert is appealing to our sympathetic and emotional sides asking for our donations to help the troubled lowly fry. We are given the impression that we are helping an individual this is because of the picture and accompanied story.A vulnerable child bandaged and exposed on what seems to be a bed rather than a crib dominates the page. The subject matter is limited to 1/3 of the page. This message is subtle, keeping our sympathy going rather than anger. NSPCC is placed in the bottom right hand corner, a name that is well know and respected for its work. The message is in bold lettering against a large white space so it is easily noticed. The message is vital and carries a rhythmic pattern which is disturbed by the line and the tips of her fathers fingers.Also you can read fall outline July at the MultiplexThe baby bandaged and covering its eyes creates an impact on the reader and our attention is diverted b the captivating text, it opens with the word All which suggests a limited nominate. In the final item to the list we are shocked at the abolished subtlety. Tip suggests sharpness increasing the sympathy pain. When we read the donation direct we excise yet more about this unfortunate child. In the more in depth story lines such as loss of control leads us to thoughts of frantic behaviour. Before we get to the amounts for donation we get the line I want to help this leaves little room for us to deny such an emotional appeal.Rhetorical devices are not present in this appeal because it asks for our co-operation through sympath y instead of the company arguing their geological period. The overall force is simple and direct, simplicity is apply because they are emphasising how the picture says it all. One sentence in the donation form is opened with You personalising the advert and make it the reader feel involved and important.The BP advert uses shock to entice the audience. We cower with disgust as we see the worms entwined and stacked together taking up 2/3 of the page. The advertize is bold but once read it only confuses the reader and increases captivation. Due to our curiosity and hate of awe we read on in order to understand the link between the poster and its headline. The BP logo is small if it wasnt wed know what the poster was about and would find little need to read on. In this poster at that place is little need for fancy fonts because curiosity has already occurred. The caption has an informal t bingle a abridge of humanity making it easier to converse with this company.The caption op ens with Most people would a sign of them distinguishing themselves from the average. They make out to be environmental campaigners but our futures cant be the first worry of a petrol company. Both adverts use visually shocking pictures, they erect curiosity. BP and NSPCC claim protection over something to our caring and nurturing nature. When we are asked to care it is concentrated to refuse without guilt of being heartless. Overall both pictures use the element of shock to attract an audience, 1/3 of the page is a description because the pictures alone arent too descriptive. NSPCC uses slightly enlarged and conveniently dislocated lettering because the picture requires very little explaining. BP uses a confusing headline to lure the audience in and keeps the curiosity levels going. A shocking picture is accompanied by 1/3 of writing, the explanation is in a small font and is not particularly short in content, and this is effective in making this a memorable poster.Both posters h ave a small company logo, but this for different reasons BP is to crateful confusion and NSPCC is to give the impression that the poster is a campaign for children rather than popularity.Dramatic vocabulary is used in small amounts throughout the two posters such as All this baby will always remember and in BP Protecting. BP could have used statistics but decided not to, this makes the poster humane and the reader feels empathetic towards the NSPCC advert.Read alsoCase 302 July in MultiplexPresentational devices are arranged around the one objective shock. These posters captured my attention and curiosity I was more interested in the BP because it wasnt too blatant with its point so it required more information beyond its headline. They were both successful in their intentions, but both obviously were directed at two different audiences. Sympathy is a very emotional expectation and as long as our emotions are triggered we become captivated. Emotions are difficult to ignore because they engage perspicacious thinking with knowledge, a combination that would be un-human to ignore hence its use in these adverts.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Coppolaââ¬â¢s first feature film Essay
Similarly, the 1992 adaptation of Bram Stokers genus genus Dracula by Francis traverse Coppola has an every bit complex representation of Dracula. Francis Ford Coppola was born in 1939 in Detroit, USA, but he grew up in a New York suburb in a creative, supportive Italian-American family. His father was a composer and medicationian, while his commence had been an actress. Francis Ford Coppola graduated with a degree in drama from Hofstra University, and did graduate work at UCLA in film reservation.He was training as assistant with film hazardr Roger Corman, working in such capacities as soundman, intercourse director, associate producer and, eventually, director of Dementia 13 (1963), Coppolas first feature film. In Francis Ford Coppolas representation of Bram Stokers Dracula, he chose to portray a typically evil puppet as a complicated, ominous yet sensitive individual. In this interpretation, Dracula app arntly has human emotions he is feeling what humans feel. He tried to su ck Jonathan Harkers fianci es blood but is overcome by emotions and memories of his dead wife, and spares her for the time being.He also has human urges, both physically and mentally. hardly despite how humanlike Dracula may seem in this version of Dracula, he is still surrounded by the obvious evidence that point to the evil part of his person . He is dressed in red and black robes which connote blood and heavy-like things. But his polite voice is used as a withdrawal from his unnatural aura. He has weathered and very pale skin which emphasizes the connotations of blood, and ghostlike hair that flout the colour of his skin. Also, his ability to take on any(prenominal) form facilitates the fact that he is a sinister character.Also, the mis-on-scene on various occasions make Dracula seem even much sinister than normal. The music alternates, the lighting is dim on a close up shot which creates a sense of top and makes the viewer use their imagination. Despite this, Draculas dis tressed emotional state might make the viewer sympathise with him. This interpretation of Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola would be suitable for an even more modern audience than Nosferatu and Hammer Horrors version. The viewers of this film will respond to it with a variety of emotions.They might have been frightened of Dracula because of his ability to transform and take on any form which might spark a sense of paranoia within their minds and make them think that anyone around them could be Dracula himself. But they might also sympathise with Dracula because of his traumatic loss, and might feel a connection with him as they might know how he feels, loosing a loved one. They could view him as a strong-willed and self-controlling villain because it is unlikely for a vampire to resist the urge to bite into fresh skin, e specially when it is offered to them on a plate just as Jonathan Harkers wife was to Dracula.So why are those 3 representations of Bram Stokers Dracula so different? I think its overdue to the time when the movies were made. During the time when Nosferatu was made, the technology was terrible and nothing had been invented that could create a half-decent movie. But in Dracula (1952), technology had clearly developed which made it possible to create a movie including advanced special effects and costumes.Furthermore, in Francis Ford Coppolas version in 1992, the technology had improved even more, making room for a movie that re-defines the quality and meaning of the movie Dracula. Another reason why representations of Dracula changed overtime because people have come up with new ideas. I think this links in with the idea of what society are scared of, which is another reason why the representations of Dracula have changed overtime. This is because as society becomes scared of new things, then people have to come up with new ideas to receive the needs and wants of their audience.I think that Francis Ford Coppolas representation of Bram Stokers Dr acula is the near effective because he portrayed a typically evil being with characteristically no emotions, as a self-controlling and strong willed individual. He turned a villain that is most likely to be a hated icon amongst most people, to something that could draw the feeling of kindness and consideration from the viewers hearts, eradicating the fact that he is a blood-sucking villain that deserves to have a stake pushed through his seemingly heartless chest.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Bahai Faith
Religions beliefs shape large numbers char behaveers and influence their inter mortalal relationships. The Bahai creed is sensation of todays many religions that is attracting mess from all nations. To date it has attracted over 5 zillion chase . The name Bahai is derived from the Arabic word Baha which means glory. The Bahai Faith has its grow way back in the 19th century in Persia when Baha u llah who is considered the founder of the faith, wrote books that based the foundations of the faith. Bahai thusly emphasizes on spirituality for all human macrocosms.The religion is in the first station a draws its principles from the major religions in the homo like Christianity, Islam, Jewish, Buddhism and Hindu. Basic Beliefs of the faith In this religion, there ar no clergy people as because they hope that God is in control of e verything and no individual house move over power over early(a) people. Therefore, the duty to develop human resources, attract more people to t he faith and to coordinate activities of the religion by ensuring that everything is in order among another(prenominal)(a) spiritually building activities falls on the spiritual assembly. These argon individuals who book been elected by the followers to serve others and polish offer guidance on the Bahai principles. Thus, these institutions are describe according to the Bahai texts. Spiritual assemblies consequently exist at the local as well as national levels. Every adult is considered as a spiritual leader as they can infuse positive values to other members of the confederation by interacting with them. Oneness of all religions The foundation of all religions in the founding are based on the analogous fundamental principles such as love, serving separately(prenominal) other, deal in one God among other things.This shows that they are one when looked from a different signal of view and it is this idea and principle the Bahai is all about. Human thinking and certain superstitions retain blurry they way they relate with others and this has contributed to the divisions in society and the decay of civilization. Therefore the ideal spirituality is founded in harmonizing the confused beliefs which are founded in both religion and science in one unified religion. The Bahai faith has therefore incorporated the Western as well as the Eastern traditions in its teachings and laws. The Bahai followers do not overhear a standard way of enrolling people to the movement. This is because they are make up of people from various denominations and sects who seek to fid fulfillment in a religion that gives them the peace and love that they cannot loaf from other places. Science and Religion Science and certain religions have always refuteed themselves in a image of issues. This is mostly seen where it is believed that God created human beings while science on the other hand states that human beings evolved.The Bahai faith avows that real science as well as religion is not supposed to contradict each other and that the two depend on each other. If people concentrate on one aspect and disregard the others, they will lack certain classical elements which can contribute to negative behavior. This is because each enhances in explaining why, when and how certain things occur. The Bahai scholars say that if there are any cases of conflict, then it is because of human miscalculations as everything on earth is supposed to be in unison.By understanding how things happen, people become more erudite and this goes to show the importance of the harmony between science and religion. Adherents to the Bahai teachings believe in making the conception a better place to live in hence the Bahai Religious movement tries to affiliate people of all backgrounds which include the different religions plus races so as to enhance international understanding. They believe in one God who is the creator of everything that is on earth and who communicates with his people through messengers.They refer to him as being all powerful and for this reason, no one on this earth who can be likened to him or take his place. God therefore serves as an example of good deeds that other human beings can emulate. The followers therefore have to continually learn to love and serve him by praying and meditating. Prayer is important and it is very important and that is why the believers especially those aged 15- 70 years have to offer bounden prayers.These prayers are conducted individually as group prayers are not allowed unless those ones read from writings. Fasting is encouraged mainly follows the Islamic way and takes place in the month of March for a period of two weeks. During this time, people pray for their welfare as well as those of others. Human beings are the central and most odd creations of God. They are therefore supposed to live as live holy and pleasing lives in the look of the most high as this connected them. Bahai followers therefor e believe that if a person dies, they can either go to heaven or hell depending on how they lived their lives where they can either be closer or further to God spiritually. Equality of all persons is one thing that the Bahai tenets var. on. By being equal, it means that both men and women are treated equally and children of all backgrounds have access to comme il faut education. To achieve this, they try to eradicate all forms of injustice in society by embracing cultural diversity and treating all persons equally as more can be learnt from other people who have different belief systems.People are besides not supposed to carve up others on the basis of their status of wealth or nationalism as this divisions are the ones that give modernise to hate which gives rise to tensions and as they build it leads to people engaging in inhuman acts that are very wrong according to the law and not pleasing to God. The Bahai faith draws examples that are used by central figures in other rel igions. Though they borrow most thing s from other religions, they have their own laws as well as scriptures that make the religion unique.Religious history is expressed in a series of manifestations where lessons are drawn from various experiences that people face. This religious movement is continual and is believed to be never ending. Teachings The Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book) is the spiritual book which was written by Baha u llah lays the foundation and laws that the followers of the religion are guided by. It overly deals with prophesies, how institutions and people should relate with each other and how it can be used to financial aid in passing of sentences in the judicial law systems. The laws have also set rules for accept subject standards in the society. Since there are a lot of evils in society related to using drugs and alcohol, the Bahai religious movement prohibit the use of illegal substances mainly drugs and drinking alcohol. If a person is found to have enga ged in arson, according to Bahai teachings, when they are accorded the death penalty, they will be burnt. Offenses such as murder are punishable by law and a person found to have affiliated is either sentenced to death or life imprisonment.From this we can see that they involve the judicial systems in place in bringing justice to society. Religion and deeds Like all religions, offering back to the community is a good gesture as it enables the community to fund its projects, operate efficiently and also help oneself the disadvantaged in the society. Bahais are expected to give back to the community no matter how much they have as that is between them and their God on top of this, they are also supposed to make a contribution of 19% of their income according to the law to serve the same purpose.Financial contributions made by non-Bahai believers however are never accepted. Before the religion came to being, little was said about peace. leading in todays society are however recogniz ing that without religious understandings, it is difficult to change peoples perceptions and this is what is giving rise to the evils in todays society. Women Most women have found quilt in this religion as it passes the various ideals that they would like to see in the world. This is because both the men and the women are treated equally.Bahais believe that by eradicating past beliefs which are discriminatory and ignorant, they are able to enhance the pass around of various individuals. This is rooted from the fact that both genders receive equal education therefore they can hold the careers that are suitable to them. In return, they are acceptable in the job market for ant government agency because they are qualified. This has enabled women to take up professions in careers that were considered to be predominantly the strong holds of men for example being political leaders, being part of the top managers in various organizations and even becoming police chiefs.Family and join Family and marriage are considered to be sacred in the Bahai faith. The acceptable age of stayting conjoin is 15 years if the participants are willing because no one is supposed to be married off by force. Marriage is only supposed to happen between a man and a woman. Therefore, same sex marriages or relationships are therefore forbidden. Marriage is not restricted to certain religions or races as people are free to marry whoever they love and would like to spend the rest of their lives with.When people get married, the husband to be is supposed to pay dowry which will be dependant on his and also his familys financial status. The Kitab-i-Aqdas, allows a man to marry two wives as long as no one is favored over the other. This has however been interpreted to mean that monogamy was the principle that was being express on. Adultery and fornication is not allowed. People who have been discovered to have engaged in this act will be required to pay a fine at their local spiritual asse mbly.divorce is discouraged in the Bahai faith but when two people cannot get along or an unjust act has been committed, they are allowed to divorce but this will be made legal afterward a year when the couple has not been able to reconcile. Parents are supposed to nurture their children in straitlaced manner as well as ensure that their children are well educated. In case the family is suppress by finance, the daughter over the son in the family will be allowed to go to school. This is because the girl in future will be the first one to ensure that her children are educated.Women are the first mothers and are teachers of their children from the time they are born, it is therefore necessary that they are educated than the men. For the next of kin to be able to inherit anything a will has to be written. Exceptions however, can be allowed when a person dies without having written one. The departed property is then distributed equally among the heirs and where they cannot be iden tified, it will be taken to the local spiritual assembly. Enhancing orbicular PeaceThe world is changing and things such as transportation, communication, industrialization and the independence of people as well as countries have radically changed peoples lives. Moreover, they have made countries dependant on each other for various basic goods, essential commodities such as oil, expertise through skilled personnel and incorporation of information and technology to enable countries industrialize. As different people interact, there are bound to be conflicts whish require a proper mechanism for solving disputes.Bahaism therefore, tries to ensure that there are proper avenues for nations to solve their problems so as to reduce the cases of war which has subjected nations to poverty. The Bahai religious movement therefore ensures that worldwide unity is enhanced by emphasizing on loving fellow neighbors. In addition the teachings say that real inner peace cannot come unless people d ecide to treat others as they would like to be treated if they were in similar positions.Moreover, they have developed international reforms and institutions that can enhance their goals and objectives so as to put and end to war, eradicate immoral intentions and create a system of corporation among nations. Conclusion Bahai faith has defined various laws and policies that seek to address most of the problems that are faced in the world today and have addressed every issue be it social , economical, environmental among other things. It is therefore a religion that is focused on enhancing global unity and peace which the world is in assume of to curb the various problems and issues that are emerging.Bahai faith has therefore revolutionalized religions by enhancing individual and community transformation. Works cited Bahai International Community. The Bahais http//www. bahai. org/faq/facts/bahai_faith Oxtoby W. G. World Religions Western Traditions. Oxford University Press, 1996 chap ter six Pg. 479-485 Remey C. Mason. The Bahai Revelation and Reconstruction, Read books, 2008 Ridell Deb. From magnetic core to Heart -Bahai Religion Fosters gift of Family Unity. (Religion) Guard November 11, 2006 http//www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1G1-154722593. html
Friday, May 17, 2019
Though the most corrupt character in the world of any play, Valpone’s vitality and delight in life make him irresistibly attractive to us
It would be almost impossible for the audience of this satiric comedy, Valpone non to be moved, if not shocked by the larger than life, absolutely corrupt contribution of Valpone. He evokes both repel and a perverted sense of admiration as we be presented to someone who is so completely inert in compassion. We atomic number 18 almost in awe of this character who has no fear of punishment for his sins in this world or the next, yet the realisation that his diabolic is so strong and overbearing that he longs to foray the personification of innocence is chilling and deeply disturbing. Remorseless, loveless and careless, Johnson gives us a character not equal any other and sets him in Renaissance Venice, the ideal place and time for such a despot and his parasite to thrive.Valpones gold is his god, and he in turn worships it as suchGood morning to the twenty-four hour period and, next, my goldOpen the shrine, that I may see my saint.This opening speech is drenched with religi ous imagery, this juicy language shows no fear of retribution and this is backed up when he reveals that for him hell would be do heaven if he had gold on that point. Ironically it is the control that money and possessions have over Valpone that bring intimately his downfall, for fleck he is deeply cunning, witty and intelligent he continuously overreaches, blinded and seduced by money. We are immediately appealed and appalled by this foreboding fascination for riches for although it is sacrilegious it shows an amazing strength of character to turn his back completely on religion and its threat of eternal punishment. However his misery and stinginess are unbecoming qualities that fail to lure the audience. Here he shows the familiar characteristics of a fox, in that it is the chase not the kill that brings the thrill, i.e. he takes sheer pleasure in fooling his peers, and has no need for the money that he gains in doing so, except perhaps for looking at.Another unattractive qua lity found in Valpone is his nihility of affection and love, he exploits his freakish bastard children, using them as a source them for entertainment clapperclaw forth my dwarf, my eunuch and my foolAnd let em make me sportJohnson has added these abnormals not only as a comic restbite but to give let us see the result of Volpones inner corruption externalised. nonetheless his seemingly pleasant relationship with Mosca is built solely on flattery and humouring each other, they do not love each other, but instead need each other, their parasite and host relationship is inter-reliant and interdependent.With the attending of Mosca, Valpone sets tabu to bring down each of the other ravenous characters in turn. Although it is Johnsons desire to inform and determine he allows us to become amused by their amoral scheme and their amazing double act of trickery, collectible to the other characters gullibility, as each of them have similarly been infected by the degenerate disease of av arice. Their avarice has given Valpone trine years to enjoy counting with their hopes and their ignorance allows Valpone to continually take pleasure in let the cherry knock against their lipsThese legacy hunters, aware of the effective threat of each other, bring presents, each attempt to outdo the other, naively trusting Mosca as their vector to Valpones treasure. This old Italian tradition encourages such behaviour, and although this play is fictional, it is based on the diseased Italy which was rotten to the core with corruption.In his pretended dying state Valpone lacks the fortune to show off linguistically, his plan requires Mosca to do his lying and deceiving for him. Ironically however the materialisation of Moscas plan sees Valpone masked as a mountebank. In this masque Valpone successfully woes the crowd, his exhibitionist side is exposed, he is persuasive and entertaining, his glaring sales pitch deceives the crowd, making them think that they are buying a great p roduct at a bargain priceI am content to be deprived of it for sixValpone as Scotto of Mantua even manages to accomplish verbally seducing the virtuous Celia into dropping her hanky with his sensual and soft language.Only that Valpone disgustingly tries to pervert and rape the innocent and beautiful Celia he would almost seem heroic. Till this point there is almost a sense of fairness in that he gulls those equally selfish and greedy, in a simplistic term one bad guy taking from another. He is superior to those waiting to farce on his corpse in that he has a sense of dignity, demands a sense of respect and is so warped in arrogance it is humorous. However, in his attempted rape his evilness takes a step too far, while we may have forgiven him for duping the melodramatic Bonario out of his inheritance there is no repentance in his attempt to take Celia without her will.yield or Ill force theeThe sympathy we felt for Valpone in Act three Scene four when confronted with the garrulous grotesque Lady Would-be has been dissolved, her sin was that of being irritating, vain and boring, while all ugly qualities her seduction lacks the malice the violence and pure evil of rape. This is when the laughter stops and the audience is forced to look introspectively at their own moral values.The play narrowly escapes with a happy ending, Johnson ensures that no matter how persuading or entertaining the corrupt were, they are punished, full of vitality and life, or not, while the well-grounded are absolved. It is not the stereotypical good overcoming evil resolve, as neither Celia or Bonario, the only present of innocence throughout the play, carried much characteristic weight being two dimensional and shallow. The result is that evil overreaches and destroys itself.Valpone although a mastermind is left to wither away at an asylum, and without his gold to keep him company he his left to rot in his own hell. The audience was tempted and seduced by his explosive personality a nd the life that oozed out of him, even when feigning sick. Although hyperbolised and exaggerated he was the emphasis of human folly, we are all to a compass point driven by greed, we too are tempted by wrong and dishonesty, and that is the very reason that the character of Valpone appeals to us.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Rape Culture Essay
In the United States, rape has give way one of the most underreported criminal offenses each year (Reporting Rape 1). The frontier rape culture refers to how our auberge has taught women how non to be assail instead of teaching men non to rape. Through jokes and the bring upualization of women we be more(prenominal) likely to believe rape is non a big crisis in our nation. Rape culture leads to the acceptance of rape as a natural occurrence through images that desomebodyalize women, media, and the stigmatization of rape victims. In our culture we atomic number 18 made to believe that victims should be blamed for their deliver abuse according to their state of mind or what they were wearing at the age. Rape culture has twist such a major part of own lives that we dont go to bed its even happening.In todays society, women learn become such a shake up object from the media, movies, and advertisement, or even jokes. Through images that degrade women, they turn them in to objects, leading to the increase of violence towards women. In a Stop Violence Against Women event students present the issue face on and said When the media objectifies women, it also creates an analogous definition of masculinity. She added that the media imposes these societal roles, causing hoi polloi to ignore complex human personalities and identities (Turmam 1). The over-sexualization of women in todays media gives women the wrong hopes. At one-angle women see sex as a necessity to be in todays norms alone not to put themselves issue adequacy to be sexually assaulted.The word slut has oppressed women by telling them to come up a plastered way, where to go or not go, who to talk to and who not to talk to. Slut shaming is an act of shaming a person based on how much they flaunt their sexuality. Taking the word too lightly can fork up awful consequences on how rape ordain be justified. Women who show too much skin or dress provocative argon labeled as sluts and are t ormented as well as looked at with less respect. Women should be able to wear what incessantly choice of clothing they want, go out where they want and not be in constant fear of rape. We are living in a culture where survivors are afraid to speak up (Kacmarek 2). well-nigh women are afraid that by speaking up they are putting themselves out to be judged. People around us judge a person who has been raped not on thecircumstances but by the type of clothing they were wearing, formula that they have lost their self-respect which kernel they might have brought it upon themselves. Research has found that an increase in male chauvinist jokes can have a negative outcome for rape victims (Viki 1). By creating a society that looks down on those who show their sexuality, it creates fear when women are sexually assaulted.This also makes men believe that it is authorize to come onto women. Nobody but the rapist should be blamed for the abuse that happened. No one ever asks to get raped, in any situation. Jessica Valenti confronts the issue of no means no Until American culture and fair play frames sexual consent, as proactively, enthusiastically given, there will be no justice for rape victims. Its time for the U.S to lose the no means no model for understanding sexual assault and focus sole(prenominal) yes means yes instead (Broderick 3) America has looked at consent is such a loose way. Many kibosh that no does not mean convince me. A survey reveals that galore(postnominal) throng between the ages of 14-25 do not actually learn about consent in mandatory sex-education classes (Broderick 2). A consent sex does not mean there wasnt a no, but rather that the yes was not forced upon by convincing or hostile situation where they feel like they were pressured to say yes. Also that being when people are under the influence or even unconscious, just because they didnt say no does not mean that it gives the right for a person to have sex with him. Two people consent ing is a necessity when it comes to sex.Many people are not aware of how frightening the statistics involving sexual assault is. The crime of rape is at an alarmingly high rate due to the fact that slut-shaming and victim shaming, many are afraid to speak up about rape. Every year there is 237,868 people sexually assaulted (Statistics 1) Only 40% of rapes actually reported to the police (Reporting Rates 1) That means that 60% are too afraid to report a sexual assault and many rapist getting apart for what they have done and possibly doing it again. Out of the 40% of rapes that are actually reported 3% of rapist will ever spend a day in prison (Reporting Rates 1). on that point is no justice for women in the United States who are being raped. Angie Epifano states how rape is somehow have to more legitimate compared to other crimes If you were mugged in New York City people would be horrified. No one is leaving to sit there and say Areyou sure you were mugged? With sexual assault t here is always this movement of Are you sure? What were you wearing?(Kacmarek 2) Men rape on a daily basis because they know they can get away with it. Our culture has become so involved in bashing others on how to dress or how to act we have forgotten that it is not the victims fault, but that people rape because they are rapists. another(prenominal) thing that most people forget is that rapes do not happen by random strangers. Most rapes happen by the people we know, friends or family. We are afraid that to face the fact that the rape is not only committed by evil psychopaths but instead by those who we look up to or those who weve got to know the crush (Broderick 1). About of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows (Statistics 1).Some of best examples how rape culture has taken such huge effect in the United States is in the media. Rapists are made to look like victims in todays society. A culture where its believed that boys will be boys, where men cannot control them selves if they see women in revealing clothing. In the media, rape culture has modify the way rape slicks are looked at. The bias opinions on the way news coverage looks at the rapes have been having a negative effect on the viewers. A prime example of this is seen in the rape case in Steubenville, Ohio. The trial was against two young men, Trent Mays and Malik Richmond, both in high school. These two boys raped a unconscious girl who was highly intoxicated. They referred to this young 16 year old as the beat(p) girl, but in trial denied knowing that they were raping her because it wasnt violent(Plank 1). A person who is unconscious is ineffectual to consent any type of penetration. Just because there isnt a no, does not mean that means that is what the girl wants. Silence is not consent. Rape is usually not violent or forced.The two boys keep to urinate on her, live-text, and disseminated naked pictures of the victim (Plank 1). During this many interpreted as the girl was bein g raped, most laughed and took pictures as this was happening. This rape trial is being dismissed because she was not saying no during this. Rape apology in the media was clearly shown when CNN, covered and responded the rape trial. Finally a trial where the rapists were sent to jail the way the newsman dismissed the rape and instead victimized the rapist.Poppy Harlow went on to discuss on how deeply sorry she was for this rapist Ive neverexperienced anything like it Candy. It was incredibly difficult even for an outsider like me to watch as these two young men that had much promising future, star football players, very broad(a) students literally watch as they believed their lives fell apart (Plank 1). Here she makes the rapist seem like a victim when he was the one that made the decision to rape and hurt another human being. nevertheless one of the nicest guys can rape. No one but the rapist should be blamed for violence they inflicted on the others. No matter what the girl was wearing or how her state of mind was, no one but the rapist should be blamed. As long as we publicly sympathize with rapist, we are glorifying them. Rapist be no apology, rape victims do (Plank 2)Therefore, there is conclusive evidence that rape culture is prevalent in the United States. Our culture has desensitized and minimized traumatic experiences for its victims. Women are being dehumanized because of they are objectified and over-sexualized. Victim blaming has become such a norm in our society we forget that no one but a rapist should be blamed for what they have done. Statics show how there is not justice for women, when men are not being put away for their crime. Culturally men and women are taking bias sides because of sexist ways that the victim is somehow responsible for being raped.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Comperative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Comperative abstract - Essay ExampleThese 6 poems (Heritage, Night in the Coal Camps, and White Highways of James Still Johannesburg Mines and The total darkness Speaks of Rivers of Langston Hughes and A Poem for Myself by Etheridge Knight) coming from different poets reflect the similar opinion and perception of its residents. 1 of the central themes that these poets raised is the state of natural environment of the aboriginal Appalachian. Whether it was James Stills lustrous description of the natural environment he is in or Langston Hughes reflective elaboration of his environment, most Appalachian poets, as represented by these two writers, reflects the influence of the environment to the thinking of the poets. However, unlike romantic writers that flatter the beauty of the place where he lives in, these poets convey the dire and dreary condition of the place. With these physical setting, various poets from these celestial orbit were able to describe the effects that such e nvironment gives them a place of dismay and pessimism.Stills poem, Heritage, for example tells us the prisoning hills wherein the poet lived despite the gradual degradation of the forest as described by the spare-time activity lines And one with death rising to bloom again, I cannot go/ Being of these hills I cannot pass beyond. In Night in the Coal Camps, Still further emphasized the not only the condition of the Central Appalachian terrain but also the status of the laborers in the area. In two verses, the poet illustrated the somber mood and lineament of the Central Appalachians. In masterfully written words, Still was able to establish a parallelism among the cold, frozen, unquiet landscape of the area and the sleepless laborers with mouths hollowed in breathing. The inclement working condition worsens the strict slavery that is found herein.The inhumane condition of workers in the region was also the theme of Hughes short poem Johannesburg Mines, The dull American poet
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Themes in The Death of the Hired Man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Themes in The devastation of the Hired Man - Essay ExampleThe poem is very descriptive as it focuses on the slices life as known by the ones hiring. The two talking to each other in the poem give the endorser an overview of their perception of the engage humankind. Robert Frost uses descriptive elements to show the class and lineament of those described in the poem. The text written in the poem is very descriptive as it allows the reader to create their own description and image regarding the focus of the poem. The reader can create a ad hominem image of the individuals talking in the poem and the description of the man. By the use of grammar and word placement, it is in all probability that those discussing the hired man were southern. They speak of the man as if he was somewhat mysterious. Throughout the poem it is referenced that those discussing the man question his life. They discuss where he comes from, his family, and his travels. His Brothers Rich, a somebody-director in the bank (Line 133, Frost Robert, terminal of the Hired Man). The two are talking about the man as if they are reviewing the life of soul who has died. Although it is not revealed exactly until the end of the poem, it is hinted the man is dead. The title of the poem gives the reader a focus of whom those in the poem are discussing. Since the reader is aware that the man is hired this helps to understand who they are describing. The man was likely a good worker but came and went often.
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